Tuesday, October 28, 2008

9 Months....Holy Cow!

I know I sound like a broken record....but I can't believe how fast time has gone by. My little munchkin is getting so big. We just celebrated her 9-month birthday yesterday! She's displayed some new "tricks" in the past few weeks. She now gives kisses. Daddy makes kissy noises and she turns her head toward him and opens her mouth for a nice slobbery kiss. She also dances, which has got to be the funniest thing ever. We didn't teach her, she just started doing it. Any time she hears music (radio, cell phone, toy, or even someone singing), she starts to bob up and down. It's too cute! I will take video and post it. Maybe I've got a musical genious on my hands :) She also claps when she gets excited and loves peek-a-boo. She's on the verge of walking....it will be any day now. Then we're in trouble!

Her birthday is right around the corner. I've already started planning her party. Yes, I'm crazy. January 31st...save the date! I can't believe my baby is almost 1! Here are a few pics (ok-a lot) from our recent session with Angel: